D.P. Wigley Company and Hop to It Brewing & Winemaking Supplies

234 Wisconsin Avenue, Racine, WI 53403 TELE: 262.633.8239

Email: mark@dpwigley.com, chris@dpwigley.com, hoptoit@dpwigley.com

D P Wigley Shopping Cart (feed & seed, lawn & garden, ice melts, cements)

Hop to It Brewing & Winemaking Supplies Shopping Cart

 Historic Racine: Racine in Pictures & postcards

D P Wigley Company has been operating in Downtown Racine since 1897. Housed in the original location of the Racine City Mill, which was built in 1849, just one year after Wisconsin became a State, the venerable building is the city’s oldest continuously run grain mill, and the only source for locally blended feeds, lawn seed, bulk garden seed and more. It also now houses a store within a store called Hop to It Brewing & Winemaking Supplies, a natural offshoot of its grain operations. Come visit us soon or use our convenient website to browse and purchase our products.

HOURS: Open Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Beer class is tentatively Saturday of each month at 2 p.m., except May and November, when it is the first Saturday of month. Beer classes are currently on hold because the City of Racine has barred us from teaching on the premise that it illegally promotes our brewery. Classes will be back when the matter is resolved. Wine class is last Saturday of each month at 10 a.m.