

LDC 6122A

Acidex Super-K 3 Oz

Tartaric acid reduction powder (item #6122) directions: wine must be stabilized and fined first. Add 1.2g l directly to high acid low ph wine (wine...

(image for) Acidex Super-K 3 Oz
BSG 6856

Acidometer Acid Testing Kit

High precision acid testing kit includes calibrated 20 ml glass test tube with stand. Direct reading of tartaric acid in grams/liter. Includes "Bleu...

(image for) Acidometer Acid Testing Kit
GP 017163037040

Air stone 2 in.

Air stone 2 in.: Produces clouds of Micro-fine bubbles. Great for all aerating fresh wort in addition to its intended use in freshwater and saltwater...

GP 017163037049

Air stone 4 in.

Air stone 4 in.: Produces clouds of Micro-fine bubbles. Great for all aerating fresh wort in addition to its intended use in freshwater and saltwater...

GP 017163037048

Air stone 6 in.

Air stone 6 in.: Produces clouds of Micro-fine bubbles. Great for all aerating fresh wort in addition to its intended use in freshwater and saltwater...

LDC 4600

Airlock 3-Piece Econo-Lock Plastic

Easy to clean

(image for) Airlock 3-Piece Econo-Lock Plastic
BSG 5000

Airlock Double Bubble Airlock

S-Lock with dust cap. Does not include drilled stopper

(image for) Airlock Double Bubble Airlock
LDC 4601

Airlock Glass Airlock

Glass airlock

(image for) Airlock Glass Airlock
BSG 5001

Airlock Glass Airlock

All glass airlock.

(image for) Airlock Glass Airlock